Giant Leylandii Tree Falls on Building

Norfolk house damage by fallen tree
Cypress Tree damages neighbours property in 2018 storm.

The Cypress Tree is known to most as ‘Leydandii’ and can grow to heights of around 20m tall (to give this height perspective an average two story house is around 7m). Cypress Trees (×Cuprocyparis leylandii) have an extraordinary growth rate of around 90cm per year.  For such a big, fast growing tree their roots are relatively shallow.  The dense and heavy evergreen foliage acts as a wind break and can ‘wind throw’ the tree in strong gusts.

Fallen Leylandii in Norfolk
The wind thrown Cypress Tree which caused property damage to neighbours. The second large Cypress Tree was removed shortly afterward.

The Cypress Tree pictured above was around 20 years old and planted within a very close proximity to buildings. The tree was wind thrown in 2018 storms causing damage to a neighbours property when it fell.  Trees on neighbouring boundaries can evoke strong emotions.  We always try and retain trees where possible by using reduction & thinning techniques but sometimes trees out grow their location and have to be removed for safety.

High hedges

Large urban Cypress tree

What may start off as a quick hedging fix, to screen neighbours or a road, can rapidly turn into a gigantic tree.

‘Leylandii’ or Leyland Cypress is now the best selling plant in garden centres across Britain.  With little or no pruning your hedge will quickly reach over 2m tall, legislation governing high hedges now gives people whose gardens are affected by tall hedges rights under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003: Part 8 which came into force on 1 June 2005.

Your local council will offer advice regarding the high hedges legislation.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can remove oversized Leylandii / Cypress trees or carry out regular hedge cutting to maintain a reasonable size and avoid unsightly dead patches.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

Health Checks for Trees

Is your tree in falling distance of a road, property or public area? Would you just like some peace of mind your tree is healthy?  The decayed tree pictured recently fell in storm winds onto a public highway. Decay is not always obvious to the untrained eye. It may affect the trees stability and structural integrity especially in strong winds.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can help identify disease, pest or fungus that will detrimentally affect your trees health.  Identifying problems early can prevent storing them up for a windy day.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617