Leylandii hedge dead spots

Unfortunately this leylandii hedge has been trimmed passed the last growing point. Leylandii will not reshoot growth once cut passed this point so the hedge will have permanent, unsightly ‘dead spots’.

The owners decided to totally remove this part of the hedge and replant. New planting should be ideally done in the colder months of October-March.  Planting in the warmer months will require regular watering especially in the growing season for the first year.

Leylandii (xCupressocyparis leylandii) is one of the fastest growing hedge plants (approx 90cm per year!) and is ideal for a dense, quick growing, cost effective evergreen hedge.

Evergreen hedges can offer not only a visual all-year-round- screen, a noise reduction from roads and a good wind break.  The key to a healthy, dense leylandii hedge is to carry out regular trims (twice yearly) always leaving growth behind the trim.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

Video – felling of a tall, mature tree

This large tree was felled by Simon in the open Norfolk countryside. Trees can hold tonnes of weight and need the technical know-how to remove them safely. Ground crews play an important part safe guarding the ground areas.